Custom orthotics are three-dimensional insoles made from an impression of your feet while in a neutral position. If you are suffering from foot, knee or back pain, custom orthotic should be one of the first foot solution considered. Your feet are the foundation for your body so it is not uncommon for pain in other parts of the body such as the knee, back or hip to originate in the foot.

Custom Orthotics are used to treat such conditions as; heel pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, flat/high arch and many other such problems. Specific modifications and adjustments can be added to the orthotics to address presenting symptoms. Once placed in your shoe it will help to reduce pain and discomfort by correcting improper alignment, decreasing high pressure areas and cushioning the foot. It is important to understand that orthotics will not permanently change your anatomy and will function only when you are standing or walking on them. They also provide great support and comfort for those engaged in high impact activity or for those who do prolong standing and heavy lifting.

Types of Orthotics

We provide a wide range of orthotics to cater to different treatment needs. Some of the different types of orthotics are:

Casual Orthotic

This is the most common and versatile orthotics and is designed for support and flexibility for daily activities. This orthotic will fit most shoes and is ideal for clients who require one pair of orthotics for use in both athletic and casual footwear.

Diabetic Orthotic.

This orthotics is for people with diabetes. It is made with a soft material that is great for sensitive skin and usually comes in light pink or beige color.

Soft Orthotic.

This is great for people who do long standing on hard surface or who do lots of walking throughout the day. It tends to be soft but bulky and is best suited to deep shoes such a boots and high tops.

Sports Flex And Work Flex

These orthotics are cut to fit your sport or work shoes and are designed for motion control and shock absorption. This is an ideal device for high contact and athletic activities, heavy lifting, longstanding or walking.

Dress Orthotics

This orthotic has a narrow and thin cut to fit into heels and dress shoes. Due to its narrow cut it is not as transferrable to other shoes as the other orthotics as it can be too narrow for a proper fit.

UCBL Orthotics.

This specialty orthotics are for children and adults with flexible flat feet condition. People with flat feet will tend to have unstable feet which results in abnormal movements. This orthotics locks the foot into a neutral position preventing inversion, eversion and pronation or any other abnormal movement. In doing so it provides maximum control and correction.

Shock Orthotics

This device is designed to provide high level of control and allows maximum shock absorption. It is best suited for workplace and active footwear which allow depth for the device.