Flat feet is when the complete sole of the foot comes in complete or near complete contact with the ground. Flat feet is the most common reason why people visit our clinic and is very typical and normal in infants and toddlers. However, most people have normal arches by the time they are adults, though many adults also do have flat feet. It can be a painful condition for some and can make running or playing some sports a little more challenging. The leg joints may also be affected, resulting in pain. If the ankles turn inwards because of flat feet the most likely affected areas will be the feet, ankles and knees.
People with severe flat feet will often have subtalar overpronation. This means as they walk their feet roll inward with the outer edge hitting the ground first and then the foot rolls inward onto the arch. It can be a painful condition for some especially those who are more active.
Custom Orthotic and orthopedic Shoes are great solutions for flat feet and overpronation.
Flat feet is a very common condition and is normal in infants and toddlers. However, most people have normal arches by the time they are adults. The arch, or instep, is the inside part of the foot that’s usually raised off the ground when you stand, while the rest of the foot remains flat on the ground.
A significant number of people with flat feet or fallen arches experience no pain and have no problems. Some, however, may experience pain in their feet, especially when the connecting ligaments and muscles are strained. The leg joints may also be affected, resulting in pain. If the ankles turn inwards because of flat feet the most likely affected areas will be the feet, ankles and knees.
Having low or no arches is normal for some people. In these cases, flat feet are usually inherited and the feet are fairly flexible. Occasionally, flat feet can be caused by an abnormality that develops in the womb, such as a problem with a joint or where two or more bones are fused together. This is known as tarsal coalition and results in the feet being flat and stiff.
Flat feet also occur because the tissues holding the joints in the foot together (called tendons) are loose. The tissues should tighten and form an arch as children grow older. This will take place by the time the child is 2 or 3 years old. However, the arch may never form in some people resulting in flat feet.
Other cause of flat feet include aging, injuries, or illness that harm the tendons and cause fallen arches or flat feet to develop in a person who has already formed arches. This type of flat foot may occur only on one side. The feet of people with flat feet may roll over to the inner side when they are standing or walking, and the feet may point outwards as a result. This is called over pronation.
Treatments we provide
- Custom Orthotics. Orthotics created with corrective arch will provide the support necessary to alleviate the strain that can be place on the foot with no arch.
- Modified Shoes. Shoe modified with built in arch support also provides needed support for flat feet.