Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a compressed nerve in the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway on the palm side of your wrist. Health problems, improper positioning of the wrist and prolong repetitive hand motions can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms usually start with numbness, tingling and or pain in the fingers, hand and wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common nerve problem that affects up to 10 million people in North America.
It can be successfully treated if caught early. Identifying and changing the habits that caused the nerve compression is one way of resolving the problem. We offer carpal tunnel wrist brace in our clinic as they are very effective.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is numbness, tingling, weakness, and other problems in your hand because of pressure on the median nerve in your wrist. The median nerve and several tendons run from your forearm to your hand through a small space in your wrist called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve controls movement and feeling in your thumb and first three fingers (not your little finger).
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain in the fingers or hand. Some people may have pain in their arm between their hand and their elbow. Symptoms most often occur in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and half of the ring finger. If you have problems with your other fingers but your little finger is fine, this may be a sign that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. A different nerve gives feeling to the little finger. You may first notice symptoms at night. You may be able to get relief by shaking your hand.
Fortunately, for most people who develop carpal tunnel syndrome, proper treatment usually can relieve the tingling and numbness and restore wrist and hand function.
Pressure on the median nerve causes carpal tunnel syndrome. This pressure can come from swelling or anything that makes the carpal tunnel smaller. Many things can cause this swelling, including:
- Illnesses such ashypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.
- Making the same hand movements over and over, especially if the wrist is bent down (your hands lower than your wrists), or making the same wrist movements over and over.
- Pregnancy.
Treatments we provide
- Wearing a wrist splint for several weeks (night and day).
- Warm and cold compresses
- Physiotherapy.